South Philly is a part of Philly that has many different locations to it. All of these locations are different from eachother and unique in their own way. With locations including the sports stadiums, graduate hospital, and Wilson Park, you are never going to run out of things to do. People from South Philly have a lot of pride from where they are from an this South Philadelphia Map Natural Pullover Hoodie will show. Every section of South Philly is section offed on this South Philly Pullover to give you a real feel of what south Philly is like. Some of the neigborhoods included on this South Philly Map Natural Hoodie are Point Breeze, Newbold, and Bella Vista. Anyone from these areas will truely appreciate the representation of their neighberhood on this Natural South Philadelphia Pullover Hoodie. This Map of South Philly Natural Hoodie is a perfect gift to get anyone who lives or lived in South Philly to show off their South Philly pride. Shop now to get your own South Philly Map Natural Pullover Hoodie today!